Wine Infused Finishing Salts

Wine Infused Finishing Salts

from $6.00

Finishing salts are the last thing you add to the plate before presenting. Usually bright, vibrant colors and packed with subtle raw flavors to accent any dish you are presenting. Not meant to be cooked with (but you can!)

Shiraz: Corse sea salt is infused with Shiraz wine for a salt perfect for finishing any red meat or light pasta. Salt is a deep red/purple color.

White Zin: Coarse sea salt and Himalayan pink salt are jam packed with White Zinfandel for a finishing salt perfect for poultry or seafood. Salt is a light pink color accented by darker pink grains.

Moscato: Sweet wine infusing coarse and fine grain sea salts perfect to finish any seafood or dessert. Try it on fresh made caramel. Or just rim your glass in it! Salt color is a faint pink, white color.

NOTE: All three wine finishing salts can be purchased as a single gift pack for a discounted price!

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